Turn On Your Sound Now!

Free Book:

"Secrets to Attracting & Converting More

High-Value Dental Patients"

Over 172 pages of AMAZING information including tactics, strategies and secrets that will change the way you market your practice! So powerful… it will change your practice forever!

Turn On Your Sound Now!

Free Book:

"Secrets to Attracting & Converting More

High-Value Dental Patients"

Over 172 pages of AMAZING information including tactics, strategies and secrets that will change the way you market your practice! So powerful… it will change your practice forever!

Dan’s Latest Book is Packed Full of the Latest Marketing Secrets, Strategies & Tips to Grow Your Practice with High-Value Procedures!

Here's What You'll Discover:

  • Why now and the next 20 years are “prime-time” for attracting millions in production of high-value procedures like implants and cosmetics.

  • How the Las Vegas MGM Grand’s counter-intuitive business lesson will be the most instructive lesson you’ll ever learn about how much you’re practice is losing in high-value dentistry production every year.
  • How following a quick, yet fundamental marketing strategy will have high-value patients flooding your practice month after month.

  • The number one action plan for finding, attracting and engaging “ready to go” high-value patients.

  • How to know what high-value patients are really searching for in your local market and how you can dominate these searches.

  • he top questions implant and cosmetic patients are asking every single day and a fresh approach of how you can capitalize on these questions.
  • How you can be the top “go-to” dentist for high-value procedures like implants and smile makeover cases in your local market and not have to discount your services.

  • How the power of preconditioning your patients to want what you have to offer without delivering an obvious “pitch” can change your practice forever.

  • The number one strategy to instantly gain your trust, credibility and expert status with a prospective or existing patient who is skeptical or nervous about getting high-value treatment.

  • How just one minute in time can make the difference between winning or losing a highly profitable patient and how you can remedy this situation. This one will shock you.

And that’s just the beginning, there’s so much more…

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